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Trinity Christian Centre

Experiencing the Fire of the Holy Spirit

On Power Weekend, May 20 & 21, many encountered God’s tangible presence and experienced breakthroughs, miracles and healings. But what does it really mean to encounter God?

By Brenda Lee

“Fire! Now!”

I have never seen anything like this. Around me, people were falling left and right to the ground from the power of the Holy Spirit as Evangelist Nathan Morris laid his hands on them.

Guest Speaker Evangelist Nathan Morris

Across the different worship centres, services were extended as people were hungry for God, pressing in to worship and pray. Some experienced breakthroughs and healings, such as 39-year-old Joylynn Koh who was healed from unknown digestion problems. Joylynn shared: “When he prayed for me, I felt that there was fire on my head. I knew the Lord was healing me.”

I knew it was the Holy Spirit.

The next thing she knew, Joylynn felt the power of the Holy Spirit come upon her and she fell to the ground. “I knew it was the Holy Spirit because my mind was very clear, but I couldn’t move my body. I could also feel the heat transferring into my body and movement in my stomach. So I just laid there, thanking Him.” You can read more about Joylynn’s testimony here.

Others who wanted to spend more time with God came for multiple services over the weekend. Dorris Lee, a retiree who came for both Saturday and Sunday services shared that she felt the strong presence of the Spirit on Saturday.

She felt the strong presence of the Spirit.

Though she was not healed from her joint pain on Saturday, she invited many of her friends to come experience God’s presence on Sunday, believing in faith that all her friends would be blessed and that God would eventually heal her.

Similarly, Bridget Lee, a Campus student, attended all three services at Trinity@Paya Lebar on Power Weekend. Although she initially came hoping to receive healing from God, she left the service halls with something more precious:

She left the service halls with something more precious.

“I went in hoping to receive something from the Lord but even before service, I was saying that if it’s God’s will to heal me, let it be done. If not, God has a different plan. So I went into service, and even though I didn’t receive physical healing, I felt this overwhelming peace for the first time in a long time.”

Altar call at Trinity@Adam. The altars were full in all three centers as people hungered for the presence of God

What does it mean for the Power of the Holy Spirit to Come Upon Us?

My Connect Group had invited a pre-believing friend for service that weekend, which must have been quite a shock for her when people started falling to the ground. So why does it happen?

When the Holy Spirit comes and touches us, His presence is so holy and overwhelming that it causes physical manifestations.

Simply put, when the Holy Spirit comes and touches us, His presence is so holy and overwhelming that it causes physical manifestations, one of which is falling.

In an Instagram post by our lead pastor, Pastor Gerald Tan, he elaborated that these manifestations can be as simple as a feeling in our hearts. At other times, laughing, crying, feeling our bodies shake and sometimes, falling to the ground.

A congregant falling from the power of the Holy Spirit

Encounter God Personally

As many people fell from the Holy Spirit’s power, I remember asking God if I would be having a similar powerful encounter with Him the same day. At that moment, Evangelist Nathan cried out: “Don’t spectate! Focus on God!”.

The most important thing at that moment was for me to focus on God.

Then it hit me: I didn’t need a dramatic encounter with God for Him to be any more real or powerful in my life. The most important thing at that moment was for me to focus on God, not the physical manifestation or sensation.

God-encounters, including instantaneous healings, are personal, intimate and differ person to person. Some of us may hear the audible voice of God, others through our own thoughts and impressions. Even experiencing peace during a time of worship is surely a God-encounter in itself.

But you know him (Holy Spirit), for he lives with you and will be in you.

Coming out of Power Weekend, I thank God for the reminder that He has given us the Holy Spirit who is always with us and this same Holy Spirit lives inside of us.

John 14:16-17

"And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you."


Do you have a testimony to share about how God has blessed or ministered to you through this Power Weekend? Send in your testimony via to bless and encourage others!

Reflect & Respond
  • Check out “Facts about Pentecost” series on our Facebook page / Instagram account for bite-sized truths about Pentecost.

  • Catch “FAQ on Tongues” Trinity Academy unit in the Trinity App under Resources > ‘Trinity Academy On-The-Go'.


About the Author

Brenda Lee is God's beloved child and can be found happy-lee drawing with a cup of tea and lofi music. A campus student, she marvels at how God can be evidently seen throughout her Sociology major.


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