Some moments last a lifetime. Find out our pastors' most memorable mom moments.
By Kristine Lee

The Bible is vivid in describing many Godly women who look after both their households and work or ministry. Our own pastors are exemplary, looking after both their spiritual children, and their earthly ones. Here are their most memorable mom moments.

My most memorable mom moments are...
definitely time spent with Elkan in our bedtime stories. We have evolved from me reading to him, to me narrating the story while we role-play familiar stories. Now Elkan narrates while we role-play. I am awed by his growth and many expressions that make me laugh so hard. In such settings, one will hear a lot of “Elkan, you are so funny” and “Mummy you are the best!”
Our God moments are.. when we take time to read and pray with Elkan every night. These are moments we share with Elkan what God has done in our lives. We always tell Elkan how thankful we are to God for blessing us to be parents and to have him. It is also in such family time that we intentionally share needs that we know.
In the recent months, Grandma was very sick. In such settings, we help Elkan to process his emotions towards some of these prayer requests. We acknowledge his sentiments. We affirm him that it is perfectly fine to have some of these responses. No matter how we feel, we teach him to look to God in prayer for healing, intervention and provision.

My most memorable mom moments are... when my daughters helped me with my preaching recordings during this Circuit Breaker, and them teaching me how to do online shopping which I had no interest in before.
Our God moments are...
when I share my journey and testimonies.

My most memorable mom moments are...
when my gal expresses that she has a great family because we love her very much.
when my gal gave me 10/10 for the dishes I cooked! (I don’t cook often so that’s so encouraging for a budding chef.)
when my gal volunteered to carry the grocery as I was recovering from a sinus operation. She was worried if it was too heavy for me to carry.
when my gal planned to give me a share of her prize money if she wins a coloring competition. Our God moments are... when we pray every morning when we are on the way to school and every night before we sleep. Besides praying for herself, I taught her to pray for others like the needs of people and for Singapore especially during this COVID-19 situation. I shared with her that prayer should not be centered upon self but let her heart for God and people grow through prayer. when my gal prayed with tears and shared that God spoke to her through a song. That ministered to me as I was grieving over the loss of a loved one.

My most memorable mom moment is...
when Charis (my eldest daughter) went for her Water Baptism 4 years ago. I knew she went through a journey of processing her faith, encountering God and finally knowing that God is real and loves her. It was a clear decision she made for Jesus on her own as I did not push or pressurize her to be water baptized by a certain age. I let Charis discover God in a personal way and come to her own conclusion.
Our God moments are...
when I share with them lots and lots of testimonies of how God pursues people because He loves them They love hearing stories on God's love, healing and miracles. And they want to hear and see the wonders of God’s love and move in people’s lives.

My most memorable mom moments are...
the warm hugs from Andrew when I got home from work. That sure makes my day!
Our God moments are...
when we share about God's goodness and greatness in our lives. That really encourages us!

My most memorable mom moments are ...
being at home when my daughters return from school or work crying. Just being there to hold them, listen to them and pray for them are treasured moments.
Our God moments are ... when they ask questions about the Bible, faith, relationships, work, church, ministry, etc, I engage with them, point them to Jesus and pray with them.

My most memorable mom moments are...
waking up early on school days to fix and tie my daughters' hair before they go to school each day for 6 years! This was in their Primary school years. It was a great bonding moment before I sent them off to school.
Our God moments are... when we talk about their day during dinner times and use it as teaching moments based on what God’s word says. As they grow older, time with my daughters is always precious. We love to travel, shop, watch movies, and go to the cafes they’ve discovered. I believe that our prayer times together and bible sharing will always have a deep impact in their lives wherever God will lead.

My most memorable mom moments are...
praying with each one of them to receive Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior, receiving their cards and love notes, and when they cook or buy my favorite food.
Our God moments are...
woven into our lives. Together with my husband, we have endeavored to show our children how we put God first in our lives; sharing how we trust Him through the different challenges and how God is always trustworthy. We are heartened to see them growing in their faith in God through the years and trusting Him in their own journey of faith.

My most memorable mom moment was...
when Joie was barely a few months old. Joie was gravely sick and we were in hospital waiting for the doctor to see her. Needless to say I was anxious for her because everything pointed to her having serious health conditions that could cost her her life. Yet, the precious moment in the midst of the chaos, was when I tried to coax her to drink some milk. She wasn’t taking in much at that time. As I held her, she looked straight at me and smiled, as if to say, "Mum, smile! I’m ok." And smile I did because if my little baby can smile when she is going through so much, then I can smile too. That point marked for me who Joie is. She is my resilient, courageous child. Till this day, that is one of the most beautiful part of her, her inner strength and resilience. She is like what her name means a "Joy" to have.
Our God moments are... when we share our thoughts on what God is saying. This usually happens in our night time "routine" with our soft toys which we still enjoy even though Joie will be turning 18 this June. This is our time together when we can talk about random things. When the conversation veers towards God, I’ll share my insights and she will ask her questions or reflect together. They are not long sessions but they are certainly precious moments.
Mother's Day eCards
We want to bless the mothers amongst us! Go to this page to download the eCards to send to your mother or mothers you know!
Reflect & Respond
What is your most memorable mom moment as a mother or of your mother?
How have you seen God's blessings upon your relationship as mother-child?
How can you use this Circuit Breaker create more memorable moments?