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Trinity Christian Centre

Beginning of a Good Work

Back on June 5-8, Trinitarians travelled to Petaling Jaya, Malaysia for Camp Actionate. We hear the stories of how God moved in the different lives of children from the Children's Track today.

By Pastor Ong Hui En

“Be strong!”


“Take action!”




The chorus of voices filled the air as adult leaders led 175 excited children in a loud and passionate cheer.

For many DiscoveryLand children, this was their first church camp as a Trinitarian! Even though this was a new experience for many, they were overjoyed to be spending morning and night with their friends and leaders in the Children’s Track sessions.

The chorus of voices filled the air as adult leaders led 175 excited children in a loud and passionate cheer.

Just hear their laughter and screams from outside their service halls and you’ll know!

What better way to start each session of Children’s Track than to have a time of fun! Through various games, children got to know one another better, played with them, and even learnt to work together.

I like the game (using a balloon to pass it from the first to last, and last to first) from church camp because I enjoyed playing the game as a team. It makes me feel happy,” said Andre Cho of P2.

Camp was a wonderful time for children to learn to press into God's presence.

But it wasn’t just the games that they remembered. The camp was a wonderful time for children to learn to press into God’s presence during extended times of worship, and that’s what they did. A powerful and sweet presence of God filled the service halls as children focused on the Lord, worshipping with songs of love, reverence, and desire for Him. It would prepare them for the powerful messages that would follow.

The resounding Word of God came from Daniel 11:32, “The people who know their God will be strong and take action.” During the six sessions, children were brought through Daniel’s life journey.

They explored the various difficult situations that Daniel faced, and they discovered how Daniel stood strong because he knew the Lord intimately and chose to be set apart for the Lord’s purposes.

They discovered how Daniel stood strong because he knew the Lord intimately and chose to be set apart for the Lord's purposes.

What an important message that the children needed to hear amid the pressures they face today. In each session, children streamed to the altars to be prayed for – many of them wanted to make a commitment to grow in the Lord so that they would be strong in their faith.

Many of them wanted to be set apart to be God’s voice for their generation and to stand for the things of God.

Jeanelle Juay of P6:

I learnt that I should not live two lives. When I prayed, God put a picture of my friends in my head. He told me to tell them and use His word to explain to them what they had done wrong. He told me to be His voice.

Joanna Chong of P5:

God dropped in my mind during the last service that I should answer the altar call to serve full-time in church. I remembered that I had answered this call at our Dinozopia DL Camp last year. I trusted in God and answered the call! I felt touched by Him and I am determined to serve God all the days of my life.

Kayla Yow of P3:

Through Camp Actionate I felt that my relationship with God has grown much stronger and I can better understand God. I heard from God and responded to the altar call. I felt God’s presence throughout the entire camp.

Joern Koh of P6:

This church camp has been really fun and interesting. God has helped me to be like Daniel. Having unwavering faith and belief in my God! I focused during worship also. All glory to God.

I felt God's presence throughout the entire camp.

This camp would certainly be a defining and memorable one for many of the children. At the end of the sessions, children did crafts that reminded them of Daniel’s story. As they returned to Singapore, these would be tokens of reminders of what God had started in them.

This is our prayer for every child – “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. All glory to God!

Do you have a testimony to share about how God has blessed or ministered to you at Church Camp 2023: Actionate? Send in your testimony via to bless and encourage others!

Reflect & Respond
  • Do you know any child who has yet to know Jesus? Share with them the confidence and strength God has given to you.

  • Invite them to join us for DiscoveryLand's weekend services.


About the Author

Hui En is a fun-loving pastor who loves interacting with Trinitarians, especially children and their families. On her rest day, she loves to relax at a quiet cafe with a cup of flat white and a close friend or family member.


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