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Trinity Christian Centre

Seven Ways to Prepare for Life Conference

Life Conference begins in two days! Are you ready?

Jesus says,

“Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.”

By this He meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in Him were later to receive. Up to that time the Spirit had not been given, since Jesus had not yet been glorified. (John 7:38 – 39)

No matter what season of life you’re in or how dry and parched you feel, one thing is certain:

As a Spirit-filled believer, rivers of Living Water are inside of you!

As we celebrate the Living Water inside us this week at Life Conference, let us prepare ourselves for a refreshing.

1. Get sufficient rest

In the Bible, Jonathan tasted just a little honey and experienced greater victory against his enemies (1 Sam 13). Elijah rested after eating and drinking, and walked 40 days and nights (1 Kings 19). In the same way, ensure that you have sufficient rest before Life Conference, so that you are physically fresh and mentally alert to receive what God has in stored for you.

2. Set aside distractions

Put aside the daily demands of life and plan your work and commitments around Life Conference to avoid disruptions. God will not short-change you as you set aside time to honor Him with your presence. His Living Water will take you further than you could ever go on your own, and as you abide in Him, you will bear much fruit.

3. Worship in Spirit and Truth

Be still and know that He is God. In your time alone with God before Life Conference, meditate on His refreshing love in the Word. Soak in His presence, and if you are baptized in the Holy Spirit, pray in tongues. Activate the “rivers of Living Water” in you.

4. Read the Conference program

Take time to prayerfully read through the program and ask God to prepare you for each session. The Holy Spirit is ready to speak to you, even during fun segments! Ask God to use the conference to rain on you fresh revelations of Jesus that will carry you throughout the year.

Life Conference program available here.

5. Pray during lunch hour

Lunch hour is a time of rest and refreshment. Before taking your lunch this week, take a moment to pray and ask God to open your heart in the areas that need His refreshing touch. Pray also for your family and Connect Group (CG) members that they, too, will encounter God for a time of restoration during Life Conference.

Let’s show “a mutual interest and care for one another” (1 Corinthians 12:25) by praying for our CG leaders, pastors, and conference committee members to also experience the Lord’s touch as they serve behind-the-scenes, ensuring we can have a seamless conference experience!

6. Get your Bible, paper, and pen ready

Before God downloaded great revelations to Isaiah, He told him to prepare a tablet and scroll, and write down everything He was about to show Him. Before Life Conference begins, set aside your Bible and writing materials and note down questions you’d like God to answer. Ask audaciously! Then during the conference, get ready to write down what God reveals to you through the sessions.

7. Share and seal the revelation

At the end of each day during Life Conference, engage with your family or CG members and encourage one another! Share what has God revealed to you and the breakthroughs you received. You can also ask them, “What was your favorite session?” “Did God inspire you to try something new?”

For those with young children participating in Children’s Life Conference sessions, don’t miss out on precious moments to find out what God has been revealing to them.

Hear their unique perspectives on Life Conference and learn about what God is doing in their lives.


As we gather online, let’s prepare our minds and hearts to feast!

Christ is real and ever-present. His words impart eternal life, now. (John 6:63)

He’s the only One who can truly refresh our souls.

Life Conference 2021

Thu & Fri, Jun 10 & 11, 10am-4.30pm (Online)

Registration Link:

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