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Trinity Christian Centre

1 Salvation. Countless God-Encounters.

Back in June 5-8, in Camp Actionate. IGNYTERs came together with one heart to seek God's heart and an encounter. Here, we follow the many testimonies of breakthrough from our youths.

By Gwyneth Goh

From June 5 to 8, IGNYTErs were among the Trinitarians who gathered to worship and encounter God at Camp Actionate – a long-awaited church-wide camp in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. By the grace of God, IGNYTE saw one salvation of a youth that was brought by her cousin to camp!

Hannah Cheong, Secondary Zone:

I felt very encouraged to see many families and groups of friends come to camp. Gathering together as one Trinitarian family and being given the opportunity to worship and have fun together really inspired me to invite others to join this big family.

I received a breakthrough in tarrying in God's presence.

Day 1 opened with a powerful sermon from Pastor Gerald Tan on how we should yield, seek, intercede, and go all in. Stephen Liew, Secondary Zone, shared how he was compelled to seek God without an agenda. “As I responded to the altar call, I received a breakthrough in tarrying in God's presence and truly seeing more of God's glory and letting God speak to me clearer than ever.

Although they joined with the rest of the church in the opening and closing services, IGNYTErs had the privilege to hear from Guest Speakers Reverend Ong Sek Leang and Reverend Abe Daniel in a closer and more intimate setting at the youth track.

Reverend Abe opened the youth track on the morning of Day 2, where he preached from 1 Timothy on The Fear Factor, declaring God’s power, love and self-control to rest upon IGNYTErs so they may walk without the chains of fear holding them back.

So they may walk without the chains of fear holding them back.

Lynette Ong from Secondary Zone was one of many youths who experienced a breakthrough in fear that confined her in a place of comfort and convenience. Through hearing the word, responding to God in prayer and a time of sharing with her Connect Group, Lynette said that she now feels compelled to step out of comfort to face the world.

That night, Reverend Ong preached from Ephesians 2:10, declaring that every IGNYTEr is a workmanship of God, and not of their circumstances.

Together with the pastoral team, he anointed youths and adult leaders with oil. Adrian Sng, an Adult Leader in IGNYTE, recalled how Reverend Ong prophetically declared a new and greater responsibility over him. “Though I am unsure of the specifics, it compelled me to intentionally seek God and prepare myself for a venture of faith.

Every IGNYTEr is a workmanship of God, and not of their circumstances.

Charis Tan, Secondary Zone, was also deeply impacted by the tangible presence of God in the service hall that night:

This [prayer] was one of the turning points that I have had in my walk with God because I felt small compared to others, God answered through a prayer and sealed what he had declared over my life. Now, even though I can't see him, and it sometimes seems like blind faith, I have learnt to put those negative thoughts away and surrender them to God.

God answered through a prayer and sealed what he had declared over my life.

Lynette Ong, Secondary Zone, shared a vision that God had impressed upon her for IGNYTE during the night service on Day 3:

God gave me an image of a film video of me sittin g in front of a youth service speaking of how God changed my life. When I opened my mouth, there were polaroids of blackness that started falling while burning. These burnt ashes started to seep away. As I spoke, more polaroids fell. It was such a beautiful image given by God that tears were rolling down my face.

Praying over the ministry was a new and scary experience for me, [but] I knew that this was the first step that God wanted me to take to overcome my fear.

I knew that this was the first step that God wanted me to take to overcome my fear.

The verse that Camp Actionate was built on (Daniel 11:32b) speaks of a people who know their God, be strong and take action.

Stephen Liew, Secondary Zone:

I believe Camp Actionate has brought us to that place of recognizing who God truly is and yearning for more of God in our CGs and the ministry. From that place of yearning, I believe IGNYTE is in a position to take action like never before, for God to have His way with us.

So what does being strong and taking action mean? For Elliot Tan, Tertiary Zone, it means to live by faith, not by fear and in complete obedience to God. To be willing to step out of his comfort zone faithfully into what God calls me to do, in how he prays, leads or shares about God.

Do you have a testimony to share about how God has blessed or ministered to you in Church Camp 2023: Actionate? Send in your testimony via to bless and encourage others!

Reflect & Respond
  • What is a something God has placed on your heart to pray for your generation? Share with your IGNYTE leader and pastors.

  • Spend the next few mornings praying specifically for your generation.


About the Author

Gwyneth Goh loves taking photos, eating fishballs and spending time with family and friends. She can dance on land and in water, but hasn't tried dancing in the air yet.


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