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Trinity Christian Centre

3 Keys to Praying Powerfully

See hard grounds broken, doors unlocked, and lives transformed as we pray, confident in our identity and position in the eyes of God.

By Sister Ong HuiEn

Your prayers make a difference.

Your prayers matter.

Sound familiar? Growing up, I used to hear these statements all the time. I still do. I have uttered them too. These statements are entirely true and hold great significance.

As I was growing up, I prayed because I was asked or inspired to, and because I knew there was something great and powerful about prayer that I haven't discovered. Yet, I never understood how my prayers made a difference, and why my prayers matter.

I'm sure this is something all of us face as we grow in our prayer life. With Christmas coming, some of us may be doubtful about the effectiveness of our prayers in bringing our oikos to Christ. However, I believe that God is calling Trinity to step up to the next level of intercession and faith.

To do so, we need to be convicted of the power of our prayers. Only then will we have boldness to declare His will. When we do, we will see hard grounds broken, doors unlocked, and lives transformed for the glory of God!

Powerful prayers are not complex. It boils down to three simple conditions.

1. Identity

2. Faith in God

3. Position


“Yet to all who did receive Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God” (John 1:12)

“This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.” (1 John 5:14)

We can pray powerful prayers because of who we are – royalty! Our Lead Pastor Dominic Yeo often states gleefully, “I am God’s favorite!” We know that he’s making a joke, but there’s truth in that statement.

Our understanding of our identity shapes how we pray. If we believe we are unworthy or insignificant in the eyes of God, then we pray like a timid mouse. We pray with uncertainty, and deep in our hearts we question whether our prayers matter.

However, if we are confident that we are royalty and our Heavenly Father is the Almighty King, then we will walk with confidence into the throne room of heaven and ask boldly from the Lord. We will carry the authority of a prince or princess of God to declare His will into situations with conviction and boldness!

Today, recognize that you belong to God Most High - the King of all Kings. Let that fuel power your prayers and ask largely from Him!


“Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you.” (Jeremiah 32:17)

“Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit.” (Psalm 147:5)

What is your perspective of God’s power today? As I continue to grow in the Lord, I am continuously humbled and amazed at who He is and what He can do. These experiences make true the Word of God in my life, forming my steady anchor in the waves of life.

God is limitless, unbeatable, and faithful! This truth fuels audacity in my prayers because my faith is not in things that are weak and fleeting, but in the One who reigns over every circumstance. Therefore, I choose to pray prayers of boldness and audacity even if the present reality has yet to display it. I know that God has all power to turn the circumstance around for His glory.

Sometimes, we find ourselves struggling to declare bold and audacious prayers because our faith is shaken by the largeness of our present reality. However, when we choose to let our faith rest on the unchanging and matchless power of God, boldness and conviction arises in our prayers. We continue to overcome and experience victory over doubt and the circumstance as we see God deliver.

Today, let your prayers come from a place of steadfast confidence in the Lord. Let your faith rise high and strong above the storms!


“God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus” (Ephesians 2:6)

" The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:4-5)

As believers, we need to pray from our rightful place – seated with Christ, above other powers and dominion. Most importantly, we are seated above Satan (Eph 1:19-22, Rom 16:20). Too often, we pray from a position lower than the spiritual powers in the heavenly realms. That is completely wrong.

Reverse the hierarchy, and you will realize we can break the work of the enemy – because we share in the authority of Christ over the principalities and powers of darkness. Combine this truth with; (1) our conviction of the authority we carry as sons and daughters of God; (2) our faith in the supreme, unshakeable power of God, our prayers become filled with great spiritual power. We no longer pray unconfident and hesitant prayers. We have the spiritual authority in us to command the enemy and his spiritual forces to loosen their hold over our lives.

A large part of our prayer life is also learning to pray for others. One key reason why our prayers sometimes lack fervency and strength is because we forget that God has called us to stand in the gap (Ezekiel 22:30, 1 Tim 2:1). We relinquish the role of intercession to others and become pre-occupied with our personal earthly lives.

Jesus Himself stood in the gap for us so that we may be saved (Luke 23:24). This Christmas, let us recognize the rightful place that we are called to stand in – the place of intercession for our Oikos, so that their spiritual eyes may be opened and their hearts may turn to God (Acts 26:18).

Ultimately, a vibrant and close relationship with God secures our confidence in our identity, faith and position in Christ. Prayer comes from a desire to know the heart of God and see His will done in our lives and in this world. As we keep a tender heart before the Lord, a posture of faith and conviction, and a power-filled divine weapon of prayer, let’s see the kingdom of God advance like never before!


Come and experience the power of corporate prayer and see God’s power unleashed in the upcoming Church Prayer Meeting on November 24. Book your seats now at

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