Elizabeth shares about finding a spiritual family in her Connect Group, and the transformation in her life and relationship with God.
By Elizabeth Tan

I joined Trinity in 2021 in my third year of university.
A huge part of my university journey was a lonely one. Since it was during the COVID-19 pandemic, lessons were only held online. Additionally, with the social distancing guidelines, I was unable to meet up with people. My parents also requested for me to stay at home. This caused me to feel very isolated and I had no one to turn to. I did not feel that I could turn to anyone, not even my parents.
I was very touched by someone's prayer (for me) in the prayer room after service.
On top of feeling alone, I also harboured issues with self-image and felt insecure most of the time. I had a feeling I needed help, yet I did not turn to anyone as I was afraid people would judge me. As a result, I became increasingly socially awkward and withdrawn.
At that time, I was attending Trinity's online service quite regularly. Once, I was very touched by someone’s prayer in the prayer room after service and I felt led to join a Connect Group (CG). I joined a CG in the hope of having a support system and a biblical community to grow together in, and I felt that it would help me stay rooted in church.

I discovered to my delight that the CG was a safe place to be, and I was able to freely share my struggles. The people in my CG were a source of great comfort and became a very strong support system for me. The weekly CG sessions helped me to develop a more intimate relationship with God. They helped me to realize how much God (My Heavenly Daddy) loves me. The realization of that truth gave me a deep sense of security.
While attending CG on Fridays, I not only gained a spiritual family, but I also grew spiritually. I became closer to God and started to become sensitive to God's leading and direction.
I not only gained a spiritual family, but I also grew spiritually.
I remember once, I was worried about my examinations and requested prayer after one of the online services. Subsequently in the online breakout rooms, Sister Elisa prayed for me, and I was touched and blessed by her prayer.
With the support of my CG, I started to vocalize my thoughts and was able to open up more. Slowly, I started to be less conscious of what people thought of me, and bolder in sharing my views.

During my last year in university, I was afraid that I would fail my final year exams as I found the papers very challenging. While waiting for results, I started to apply for part-time jobs since I was terrified that I would fail my exams and not graduate with a degree.
However, my friends prayed for me and strongly encouraged me to apply for full-time roles instead. Eventually, my results came out and I graduated with Second Class Honors.

This surprised me, and I knew it was impossible by my efforts and strength alone. It was God who went above and beyond all my expectations and who answered our prayers and bestowed grace upon grace.

God also blessed me with a very supportive CG Leader, Denise Ng. She constantly encouraged me in my transition to working life as a young adult. As I continued my job search journey, I eventually found a job as an Audit Assistant, with a good benefits package.
With the support of my CG, I started to vocalize my thoughts and was able to open up more.
I thank God for placing me in Pruning CG in Area 2. My time there has helped me develop my relationship with God, with others, and has also built up my self-esteem.
Thank You, Lord Jesus, for leading me to Trinity Christian Centre, and for blessing me with a great biblical community, whom I call family.
Praise the Lord! All glory to Him who has provided and blessed me with everything I need!
Do you have a testimony to share about how God has blessed or ministered to you? Send in your testimony via testimonies@trinity.sg to bless and encourage others!
Reflect & Respond
What about your Connect Group are you thankful to God for?
If you know anyone who is not yet in a Connect Group and would like to join one, send them this form to get connected to a CG.
About the Author
Elizabeth Tan is passionate about music, movies and children. She also enjoys having coffee during her time alone with God and is still learning and growing in Him every day.
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