COVID-19 Hotlines & Helplines

We are all here for one another. There's no shame or stigma to ask for help and you are definitely not any less capable or incompetent! In fact, God wants us to cast all our cares upon Him because He cares for us. Not just give, but cast! Like casting a fishing line, as far as possible to Him! And often, it's through people that He sends His help.
So reach out! We all need a little help sometimes. And in time to come, we too can help others.
Find comfort and peace also in God and His promises. Here are some verses: John 16:33, Matthew 11:28-30, Philippians 4:6-7, Psalm 23, Matthew 6:25-34, John 14:27, Isaiah 26:3. Declare His truths in faith. Join a community who will journey with you. Send us your prayer requests.
Here are other helplines.

Reflect & Respond
Which of the scriptures is God using to reassure you?
Don't know Jesus as the Prince of Peace? Find out more about Him here.

This article is part of our R.E.S.E.T. Toolkit Refresh. Encourage. Strengthen. Empower. Thrive.