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Seeking God’s Name In Extended Worship

Trinity Christian Centre

Worship Experience during a weekend service is not new in Trinity Christian Centre. What is unique about the latest one in our church? Read on for a snapshot of our experience!

By Edmund Tan Ghim Meng

The Key Question

“What’s unique about the Worship Experience on February 18 and 19, 2023?” I wondered when assigned to write this article. To my best recollection, Trinity Christian Centre has not held a Worship Experience service within the past nine months. This would certainly be our first in the absence of all Covid-19 social distancing measures (just like pre-pandemic days). Also this is the first time our church is facilitating such worship concurrently across three centers – Paya Lebar, Adam Road and Bukit Batok.

About Worship Experience

Worship Experience is an extended time of worship with songs during a service. There are many ways to facilitate this experience based on the theme. With this weekend’s theme – “Your Name” – a call to seek God’s name, we worshipped God with songs about His name, and spent time responding and praying as Pastor Gerald taught about His name:

(i) God’s name is good,

(ii) God’s name is victorious, and

(iii) God’s name brings blessings.

Worship Experience at Trinity@Paya Lebar

Each aforementioned point is a “first” in its own right, and a good milestone in our church’s historical timeline. However, I had a nagging sense about completely missing God’s agenda for this weekend.

In essence, I struggled with a lack of clarity on what God wants to focus on for this Worship Experience – that would be the service’s defining uniqueness, determined by God. That clarity only came just before the service on Saturday, February 18, 2023, when God planted a thought in me with the charge, “Seek My name first, then carry it on your shoulders to wherever you live, work and play!”

Worship Experience at Trinity@Adam

Vibrant Worship, Divine Challenge

I am grateful for the aforementioned revelation by God. Amid an electrifyingly vibrant atmosphere of worship, I stood amazed at how He orchestrated all things when Pastor Gerald revealed the theme for this Worship Experience service – “Your Name”

For me, this Worship Experience was timely and its theme apt. Due to some prolonged uncertainties at work, there have been some occasions when I was more inclined to rely on my abilities to safeguard my interests than to surrender the situation to God first and seek His directions.

This is hardly the posture of a person living out a year of unprecedented increase. Having soaked myself in His presence amid the beautiful lyrics and messages, I left the service with a renewed sense of assurance that God remembers me, and that I can confidently call on His name for He will listen.

Worship Experience at Trinity@Bukit Batok

Circiling back to the question I posed at the start of this article, I found this Worship Experience unique not for the “firsts” that it can claim within our church’s historical milestones. Rather it was unique as a clarion call for Trinitarians to seek, to call on, and to lift God’s name, before we claim His promise for bountiful increases in various aspects of our lives.

We lifted our hearts and voices to worship God collectively as one church. After all, this Worship Experience was concurrently facilitated across all three of our church's centers. However, the way God touched us and ministered to us was personal. Let’s find out how God ministered to other Trinitarians through this service.

I can confidently call on His name for He will listen

How has God ministered to other Trinitarians through this Worship Experience?

Colin Lincoln, former board member:

This extended time of worship allowed God to speak to me through the worship choruses. Together with Pastor Gerald’s preaching, the songs reminded me how precious I am in God’s sight. I find the music and preaching precious and refreshing!

Peter Leong, Business Owner:

God is holy and sovereign. I am reminded through Worship Experience that God is above all, and will take care of everything.

Eileen Low, Financial Advisory Manager:

I am thankful for Sunday’s Worship Experience. God’s presence was there and I was refreshed by Him. Through Pastor Gerald’s pointers about His Name that brings goodness, victory and blessings, I am encouraged and reminded to always stay in His presence.

Ho Huifang, Adjunct Lecturer:

An uplifting experience! Thoroughly enjoyed this time dedicated to worshipping God. May our voices of praise be a sweet song to His ears!

Simon Toh, Senior Manager in Cybersecurity:

I’m currently at a stage of recovery spiritually … I really liked the worship, as I felt revived and transformed by the presence of God. During the worship, I felt as an overcomer!

Do you have a testimony to share about how God has blessed or ministered to you through this Worship Experience? Send in your testimony via to bless and encourage others!

Reflect & Respond
  • What has God impressed on your heart during this Worship Experience?

  • How would you now carry God’s name into your everyday activities?


About the Author

A Trinitarian since 1995, Edmund has regularly served as a Traffic Marshal for over a decade. He is an avid student of improvement by profession, and stumbled into the writer’s role by accident.


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