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7 Outreach Tips During This Stabilization Phase

Trinity Christian Centre

Restrictions aside, let’s reach out to brighten someone’s day. Take your pick from these ideas and be inspired!

By Edmund Tan

Christmas is just weeks away! With the “Stabilization Phase” and its prevailing social distancing measures still in effect, outreach to our oikos may be challenging However, with some creativity and faith, we can still have a fruitful time reaching out to our oikos in the run-up to this festive season.

Check out the following seven tips, pick those relevant to your situation, and start reaching out! While the ideas are not new, the trick is to apply them in new ways that work in our current context, coupled with a liberal dose of faith as expressed through H.E.B.R.E.W.S.

Help our neighbors/friends/colleagues run some errands. These can be simple things – collect their deliveries (if they are not home), walk their dogs, pick up their group-buy orders, etc. Even with social distancing, there’ll always be someone who needs help, and there is always something we can offer to help.

Exercise with our oikos. Run, ride, swim or brisk-walk, it’s up to you. Do this regularly. Use each meet-up as an opportunity to connect with them. To be compliant with prevailing restrictions on group size, try exercising with different persons on different days of the week.

Buy a gift and get it delivered to your oikos’ house. The gift need not be expensive – it can be a drink, a meal, a cake, some snacks or anything else, but we just need to be intentional about doing this. Keep it simple, keep it sincere; it’s the thought that counts.

Remember our oikos in our prayers. Note their needs when we catch up with them; let them know that the church will unite to pray for them.

Exalt God in all ways possible. Praise His faithfulness when we talk to our friends, give thanks for His goodness in our social media posts. Nothing inspires hope, especially during such times, more than the visible proclamation of God’s hand over our lives.

Whip up a good meal and share it with your oikos. Invite them over to your home, if conditions permit. Otherwise, dabao (pack) the fruit of your labor and bring it over to your oikos’ home. [Note: If you bake, this idea works perfectly as well.]

Start now; spread your effort out … do not wait till December.

“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on towards love and good deeds,”

Hebrews 10:23-24


Reflect & Respond

  • Who in your circle of influence can you reach out to and bless today?

  • Start planning now and target different ones each week and build relationships. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to grant you the opportunity to share your testimony and invite them to church or for the upcoming Christmas presentation.


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