A young Trinitarian testifies of God giving her a prophetic word to edify, encourage, and console.
"Last month, while attending The Power of One Thing: Jesus is the Light (April 17 - 18, 2021) weekend service, I felt a strong prompting from the Lord to pray for a member of my Campus Ministry* section who was sitting next to me. God nudged me to pray for her family and gave me an accompanying vision.
*Trinity's outreach to university students in Singapore.
In the vision, I saw things in an upside-down perspective.
I did not know what the vision meant and asked God to reveal more. As I prayed, the upside-down perspective turned the right-side up.
During my conversations and times of discipleship with this woman, nothing about her family demonstrated red flags or causes for concern. This is why I truly struggled with the impression from the vision that was given to me.
However, as I continued to pray, the prompting of the Holy Spirit was so strong that I knew this word had to be released.
In faith, I turned to the young woman and asked to pray for her family. I also shared with her the vision God had shown me. She was moved and started tearing. After praying together, she shared there was indeed an area in her family life she was struggling with but had not told anyone.
She had been so burdened by it for months and at times, felt alone in the situation. However, this prayer brought hope and strongly affirmed that God always watched over her and knew her every need.
God gave me prophetic insight and allowed me to be His voice in this young woman's life to minister in an area that desperately required His intervention. Jesus is the Only One who could help turn the situation "right-side up" and enable this woman to see things through His perspective. In His light, we see light!
I learned that as I hear from God, I ought to trust Him to speak and guide me to do His work. Fears may come my way, but I put my faith in God instead of myself. All glory to God!"
– Pamela Koh, 27
Campus Ministry Section Leader
“‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams... (Acts 2:17)
We are always delighted to receive testimonies! Give God the glory and write to testimonies@trinity.sg to celebrate what God has done in your life.
Reflect & Respond
Why does Apostle Paul exhort Christians to "eagerly desire" the gift of prophecy in 1 Corinthians 14?
Do you have a prompting from the Holy Spirit to pray for someone in your life today?