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Trinity Christian Centre

Keep Calm and Pray On!

Trinitarian prayer warriors of all ages and walks of life share their journey of praying unceasingly since the start of COVID-19:00 Synchronized Prayer and the breakthroughs they experienced.

Trinitarian COVID-19 prayer warriors have been storming the heavens praying for us, our church, and the world since Trinity launched COVID-19:00 Synchronized Prayer on February 24, 2020.

The global synchronized prayer movement was initiated by Lead Pastor Dominic Yeo to break the strongholds of COVID-19 in every nation.

As Trinitarians met with their Connect Groups (CGs) and ministry teams to pray, they were part of something much bigger: God’s calling to unify saints around the world, as one Body of Christ in prayer for divine intervention in this moment of history.

Many are praying until this day. Hear them share words of encouragement on how they persisted in prayer (some daily!) despite setbacks in the pandemic, and how God used prayer to greatly enrich their lives:

CG: Rejoice@AMK (Area 2)

Why did you all start praying together as a CG?

We wanted to grow in our personal prayer life, and we also wanted to keep closely connected during the circuit breaker (something so foreign to us) to make sure that everyone was keeping well. We have not missed a single day of COVID-19:00 Synchronized Prayer as a CG since day one! Over the months, we’ve adjusted the way we do it according to the season and government initiative.

How has this CG changed since praying together?

Our members have grown in our Word life as we meditate on the daily verses provided in the weekly Prayer Pointers.

Prayer is part of our CG's culture now, and new members have joined in!

Why is prayer so important?

It helps us to see beyond ourselves, to be more outward-looking by praying for others, the church, and the rest of the world.

CG: Acacia@Depot (Area 5)

Interviewee: Patrick Lee Peng Soon, Investor

When did you begin praying the COVID-19 Prayer Pointers?

We started praying as a CG three weeks after the church called for COVID-19:00 Synchronized Prayer. Apart from some days, we have continued until now.

Why do you encourage others to pray?

Through COVID-19:00 Synchronized Prayer, we are given scriptures to quote during prayer, which leads to a better understanding of God’s Word.    

As we pray and draw strength from the Lord, we not only encounter God supernaturally, but also experience personal breakthroughs, as I did in my anger management.

Have you grown in your walk with the Lord?

Definitely! Twice during our prayer meetings, I nearly burst into tears. I have cried on sad occasions but have never experienced such a bubbling of emotions before. As I recall these moments, I see that it was a manifestation of God touching me as our prayers touched heaven. Another member also experienced this in our prayer time!

IGNYTE CGs: Christians in Action (CIA) and Foundation of God (FOG)

Interviewee: Gwyneth Goh (CG Leader), NTU Student

Who do you pray with? How do you gather with them?

I pray with my IGNYTE CG, CIA. When we had on-site services last year, we would gather together right after service to pray, and gather online to video call every day too!

What inspired you to keep praying faithfully?

This journey started off with God giving me a burden to see this generation arise in prayer. Initially, I didn’t know how to spark the prayer life of my CG because my own prayer life wasn’t great either.

But when COVID hit our shores and the COVID-19:00 Prayer Pointers started, I knew this was God's answer to my “How?” so I rallied my CG to join me every day, whenever they could, in prayer. They did!

How have you grown in your walk with the Lord through praying the COVID-19 Prayer Pointers?

Prayer used to be a verbal request machine to ask God for this, plead God for that. More often than not, it didn't point me to God, but to my problems, circumstances, and... me. It was very self-seeking and narrow-minded. But in praying for others, God really broke my heart for what broke His, and there was a shift in my perspective. 

I've also developed the habit of thanksgiving. Before bringing my requests before God, I start with “Thank you Lord for….” because I want to first posture myself in faith, rejoicing in the good that God has placed in the situation.

I'm in awe of what God has done in the members of my CG too. Their requests are increasingly more outward-looking and faith-filled – praying for the salvation of family members, complete healing over their friends, and breakthroughs in difficult situations.

CG: 10Builders (Area 2)

Interviewee: Wee Kwee Sin (CG Leader), Teacher

What was unique about the way your CG prayed together?

Every Monday, after posting the COVID-19:00 Prayer Pointers in our CG chat group, I rally my CG to pray in pairs. When I finish work around 7pm, my prayer buddy and I would pray as I sat at the bus stop. These moments were especially encouraging and meaningful after a hard day’s work.

Did you ever doubt the power of prayer during difficult seasons?

We do struggle against unanswered prayers from time to time and lose heart. That’s why it’s important to pray in a group, using a set time and day to practice the discipline of intentional prayer. During difficult seasons, our CG encouraged and uplifted each other, and I experienced many breakthroughs.

How would you encourage other believers in their prayer life?

Never give up and continue to persevere in prayer. When you pray, believe that God hears you; in His timing, He will answer.

Finally, let others know that you’re praying for them. One suggestion is to pray using Scripture verses. For instance, you could use Romans 15:13 to pray for someone who is going through challenges, “[I pray that] the God of hope [will] fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

CG: O1O4@Hillview (Area 4)

Interviewee: Robert Lye Hoong Kit, Grab Driver

What inspired you to keep praying faithfully?

During our times of prayer, we saw God move, not only in the COVID-19 situation – but also in the lives of our families and friends as we lifted up their needs to God. Many miracles happened, including the salvation of an oikos last year!

God also spoke to me during prayer meetings about the End Times and what to expect. I want to continue to be in alignment with Him by bringing more non-believers to know our loving and healing God in this hour.

What does praying for the COVID-19 situation look like now?

We need to pray in faith, believing God for the impossible, which includes the total eradication of COVID-19 from our world by His Power.

How would you encourage other believers in their prayer life?

Trust in God for the impossible and serve Him wholeheartedly – you will witness more miracles.

Ministry Group: Pastoral Operations

Interviewee: Rachel Chia, Homemaker

What inspires you to keep praying faithfully?

In Acts 2:46-47, it says, “Every day [the believers] continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”

This reminds me to come together with other Trinitarians to pray for the nation through hardship and difficult times.

Why are you thankful for the COVID-19 Prayer Pointers?  

Through prayer, I have become more aware of my identity in Christ and my inheritance as a child of God.  It makes me crave for more of God. How wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love surpasses knowledge. (Ephesians 3:18-19)

How would you encourage other believers in their prayer life?

Praying is my part, the outcome is God’s part, so let’s do our part and continue to trust God.

Ministry: Children Ministry

Interviewee: Yeo Le Qi Rachel, Student Care Mentor

Who did you pray with? How did you gather with them? I prayed with our Children Ministry Sunday 11am service team through WhatsApp audio messages and video calls over the week. What inspired you to keep praying faithfully? The people – I look forward to our calls and sharing life with them before praying. Memorable moments would be seeing the different places each of us would call in from e.g. on the bed, on the MRT, or running to catch a bus. How would you encourage other believers in their prayer life? God is not looking for perfection but for a relationship. Sometimes, I run away from God because of sin or fear... but I've realized I have an eternally loving God who is not looking for perfection but for us to be close to Him.

This verse also encourages me to always go to Jesus: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)

CG: YA-For Jesus (Chinese Ministry)

Interviewee: Hoh Xiao Yan aka Yandy (CG Leader)

Why did you start praying together as a Connect Group?

I felt a touch from God to lead my young adult CG members for 15 minutes of prayer every day on Zoom when COVID-19:00 Synchronized Prayer began. Now that Trinity’s Chinese Ministry organizes daily Synchronized Prayer on YouTube, we join that instead.

What challenges did you face?

Initially, some CG members lacked confidence and thought their prayer abilities were very weak. Others didn’t know how to pray. But their confidence grew as we followed the Prayer Pointers together. Esther, one of my CG members, also saw her Mandarin improve. Prayer is very important, and so is the power of practice.

How do you feel now that you’ve persisted in prayer for more than a year?

I know that we've made a difference. We may not have the wisdom to save lives by creating a vaccine (laughs), but we have the ability to approach Father God and His throne of grace to intercede and touch lives. He’s the One who does the work. No matter what happens in the future, we must continue praying for the nations. We must not give up. God is moving.


Pastor Melvin Lim (Area 3), who anchors COVID-19:00 Synchronized Prayer, has this to say in response:

"In the face of such unprecedented crisis, the Church needs to respond in faith that we will overcome. James 5:16b tells us that the prayer of a righteous person has great power. COVID-19:00 is a clarion to the Church to stand in the gap and intercede for a mighty move of God. It has been truly heartening to see a prayer movement happening globally and the faith of believers being deepened and strengthened through COVID-19:00 prayer."

As Singapore recovers from the pandemic, let’s pray a prayer of thanksgiving for our brothers and sisters in Christ who courageously interceded on our behalf.


COVID-19:00 Synchronized Prayer is still ongoing! New prayer pointers are uploaded on the Trinity App every Monday or you can access them here:

LIVE Prayer is held every Wednesday from 7-7.15pm on Trinity’s Facebook page!

Reflect & Respond

  • Do you believe in the power of prayer? Does your prayer life reflect that?

  • What do you feel a burden to pray for? Who can you pray together with?


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