Eugene Phua from Area Five did not believe God could heal him after 20 years of extreme back pain. Today, he has a brand new back and heart.
Watch Eugene’s powerful testimony (3 min 28 sec)
“I suffered from a degenerative back for more than 20 years.
The only way out was surgery, but I wanted to avoid that as far as possible. I wished and hoped I would magically recover. The pain never went away. To dull the pain, I have taken more than 4,000 tablets of painkillers over the last two decades. The pain in the initial years was unbearable.
I had no choice but to live with it.

In April 2020, the pain returned with a vengeance. Due to long hours of sitting and working from home, I found myself back in the state of unimaginable discomfort. Shooting aches ran up and down my right leg with frequent episodes of numbness. My spine was visibly skewed to the right.
What would be a relaxing journey for a normal person to the supermarket was a torment for me. I couldn't walk for long and had to sit after walking no farther than 100 meters.
I wasn’t even able to carry my young daughter.
I spent considerable time and money looking for alternative treatments, but nothing helped. Throughout this period, however, my wife and sisters-in-law prayed for God’s healing upon me.
I knew who Jesus was and attended church with my wife occasionally at Trinity, but I found it very difficult to have faith, especially when prayers for healing were not answered immediately.
Though I found it hard for me to believe that God would heal me, my wife and our Connect Group leader Kok Wai continued to intercede for me, and even called our CG members to pray for my restoration.
As they prayed, God worked in my heart. Beyond my physical pain, I struggled with many other condemning thoughts. For example, I believed that healing was transactional and in order to receive it, I needed to earn favor with God first.
God opened the door for me to begin attending DEW (Divine Exchange and Wholeness) Ministry counseling sessions at Trinity, which demolished wrong belief systems holding me back from a personal relationship with God.
Something shifted within me and I began to see that God loved me and had a purpose for my life.
When on-site services resumed, I decided to attend church every Sunday with my wife, and not just attend absent-mindedly like I did in the past. I listened attentively and intentionally prepared my heart to meet God every week. I truly experienced a breakthrough in my heart – I could finally believe.

Physically, I was still struggling with my back pain and finally decided to opt for surgery. At the same time, I prayed: “God, if there is a better plan for me than surgery, please give me the clearest sign.”
A week before my scheduled surgery, the Tan Tock Seng Hospital cluster took place and all elective and non-urgent procedures were deferred indefinitely.
I wondered to myself if this was the sign that I asked for.
Came August, the surgery was rescheduled a second time. I had begun to see signs of improvement without any treatment. It was then my wife asked me this million-dollar question: "Do you believe God has healed you?”
I was afraid to answer because I was not sure if the back pain would return later. Suddenly, fresh faith welled up inside of me.
I picked up the phone, called my doctor, and canceled the surgery.
Canceling the surgery meant a complete nullification of almost four months’ worth of polyclinic visits, specialist referrals, MRI tests, x-rays, blood tests, and other pre-admission tests.

But it was worth it.
Ever since I took that leap of faith, it has been breakthrough after breakthrough. My scoliosis is gone. My back is now as straight as any normal adult’s. Even though I still work from home with prolonged hours sitting at my desk, I experience zero pain without painkillers. I can even contort my back in every way imaginable and not feel an ounce of the pain that used to be triggered in the past.

The best part is I get to carry my daughter in my arms again.
My colleagues who see me now say that they can tell something is visibly different about me. I’m standing taller, straighter, and taking longer walks without needing to stop for breaks. They’ve asked me, “Which TCM do you go to? Who’s your chiropractor?”
For the first time, I am courageous enough to tell them, “None of that worked for me. It was God who healed me.”
Today, I can no longer deny that God is real. After twenty years of back pain, I am completely healed by God’s grace. Beyond a brand-new back, the bigger miracle is that He has also given a brand-new heart. He has changed my heart of stone – cold and skeptical – to a heart of flesh that is receptive to Him.
I believe Jesus can heal all who call upon Him and is our prayer answering God!”
Reflect & Respond
Do you believe God's healing is earned or given to you freely? If your answer is the former, ask God to show you how to freely receive His grace and restoration.
Are you waiting for a miracle? Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal believers in your life who can rally around you in prayer, encouragement, and support.
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