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2020: A Year of Digital Expansion

A year that changed our definition of church life.

Like many around the world, Trinity looked forward to 2020. Besides the start of a new decade, it was the year that we would be celebrating our 50th anniversary.

With large-scale events planned for every month, 12 committees worked hard to prepare for a year of celebration. Besides the usual Easter and Christmas productions, Missions Convention, church camp, and Vision Month, there would also be worship concerts, Celebration of Marriage, and a celebratory lunch for 20,000.

But as COVID-19 spread around the world, all these things had to be reworked, postponed, or canceled. And when Circuit Breaker started in April, church life as we knew it ground to a halt.

Celebration services could no longer continue on-site. Connect Groups could no longer meet in person.

For the first time in Trinity’s 50-year history, church was closed.

As Trinitarians adjusted to a life of ever-changing social distancing measures, questions arose. What would services look like? How would we stay connected with the Connect Group? What would church look like in a post-COVID-19 world?

Digital expansion, month-by-month

Though the church was closed, church life continued. Since Trinitarians could not gather, plans for digital expansion kicked into high gear.

A Trinity tradition with a digital twist – Family Communion 2020

Through we could not come back to church for Family Communion (December 26-27), hosting it on Zoom allowed those who couldn’t participate the past to take part in this Trinity tradition.

  • Since Gavin moved to the US in 2017, Family Communion has not been the same without him. But when it went online this year, we were so excited to be at full strength again! Coming together was a great reminder of the bonds we share, and of God's faithfulness in our lives. – Tashia Yang (IGNYTE Adult Leader)

Ringing in the New Year, Trinity style – Watchnight 2020

Capping an extraordinary year was an extraordinary event – our first-ever digital Watchnight Service.

With social distancing requirements eased in Phase 3, Trinitarians across Singapore opened up their homes to host watch parties. “With eight guests allowed per household, we opened our home to the Connect Group for the first time in months," shared Connect Leaders Timothy and Jessie Ng, "It was so good to able to fellowship and hear God’s Word together as a spiritual family.”

Some watch parties got even more festive with surprise visits from our social media team!

  • “We were watching the pre-service segment over dinner when my wife said, ‘That place looks familiar.’ Lo and behold, we heard a knock on our door and opened it to see Sister Chloe! While 2020 has been a very unexpected year, God's faithfulness is unchanging. Just like the wonderful surprise our family received that night, God reminded me He can provide in amazing ways!” – Koh Zhi Guo Daniel (IGNYTE Adult Leader)

Inspired by a powerful time of testimonies and God’s prophetic word for the coming year, Trinitarians across Singapore cheered as Lead Pastor Dominic Yeo commenced Operation Restart. Church service will do more than resume on-site - they are now expanding to weeknights!

Click here to hear the prophetic word for 2021 (English Sermons > Pressing Onward)

Click here for Trinity’s expanded service timings

Church life, redefined

2020 was the year that expanded our definition of church life. Though gathering was limited and physical services were put on hold, Trinitarians stayed connected to God and to one another through a variety of digital platforms.

We reconfigured our homes to host online services. We held Connect Group via Zoom. We dared to live out the prophetic in confidence that God’s promises for us are “yes” and “amen.”

Now with the charge to continue pressing onward, let’s remain confident that God will take us deeper and further in 2021. Onward to greater things ahead!


Ready to come on-site for service? Click the links below for service timings and how to book your slot!

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